Stephen Law March 30, 2023
TOUCH INTERNATIONAL OFX-Series expands firm’s portfolio of customizable, plug-and-play touchscreen solutions. The 27-inch 4K medical open-frame monitor (OFM) combines the firm’s latest projected-capacitive (PCAP) multi-touch sensor technology with an industrial-grade display enclosed in a bezel-free brushed aluminum housing. Medical OEMs, integrators, and product designers can use this turn-key touch display for easy prototyping in existing product designs, retrofits, and revisions for devices that require IEC 60601 / IEC 61010 certification or compliance. Infrared Touch Screen Monitor

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Montreal-based #AI start-up @noze_ai (formerly Stratuscent), has developed a breathalyzer that detects biomarkers (VOCs), enabling rapid screening and diagnostics of infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.
U.S. government efforts to shift production of processor chips from Asia to the United States will double their cost and slow the spread of their use in phones, cars and other products, says TSMC founder.
Members of Canada’s technology sector say they’re worried the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) will have a chilling effect on investments in the already-hampered sector.
Businesses operating within the flexible and printed electronics industry are anticipating sales revenue increases of 18% in 2023, according to the results of the recent 2023 OE-A Business Climate Survey.

Aio Touchscreen Pc Toronto-based engineering design firm @NeuronicWorks held its first Tech Day event recently, hosting product innovators and entrepreneurs to a full day of workshops.